Arranged or Love Marriage

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Arranged or Love Marriage

Post by Debashis » Fri Sep 15, 2023 5:45 pm

In India, people have been believing in arranged marriages since decades! People rarely do love marriage here. Actually now a days its better though. People are actually starting to realize that love marriages have proven to be more successful as the reports say that people who do arranged marriage are the ones to get divorced the most. Personally I believe in love marriages but I think arranged marriages can also work out since you might fall in love after getting married. :)

So, which one do you believe in and why? What is mostly followed at your place?

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The Raven
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Re: Arranged or Love Marriage

Post by The Raven » Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:39 am

I actually support this because you don't have to bother going out there, dating girls to see if they fit you, getting heart broken and then going from one relationship to another and by doing so you are being exhausted emotionally which reduces your potential to progress in life. However, this might not work well for everyone considering the different era we are living at. Nowdays you have divorce and marriage as an institution is no longer valued. It truly makes no value anymore. You can marry and divorce after few months. It used to be for life because that's the point, you are making a life decision, it's not like: I love cheeseburger today, but tomorrow it's pasta. Nope.

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