Do you have a favorite director, and which of his works particularly impressed you?

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Do you have a favorite director, and which of his works particularly impressed you?

Post by deucher » Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:55 pm

When I watched movies as a child, I didn't pay attention to who directed the movie, because it didn't matter to me because I was only interested in the actors. But when I grew up, I realized that more depends on him than on actors. Now my favorite director is Christopher Nolan and I think everyone knows about his fascinating film Interstellar which is one of my favorite films

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Re: Do you have a favorite director, and which of his works particularly impressed you?

Post by Cory » Wed Jan 17, 2024 1:07 am

Most certainly Peter Jackson for creating the epic LOTR trilogy. The LOTR trilogy has always been my favorite film of all time and because of that, I am awe-struck by his work.

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