Do you brush your teeth twice a day?

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Do you brush your teeth twice a day?

Post by Ravenfreak » Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:12 am

Do you have a routine down so that you brush your teeth twice a day? I tend to struggle with this throughout the years. I only usually brush my teeth in the morning and I forget to brush them right before bed too. I need to get in the habit of brushing at least twice a day, I'm thinking about maybe sitting an alarm on my phone to help me remember. I also floss and use mouthwash too whenever I do brush my teeth.

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Re: Do you brush your teeth twice a day?

Post by Cory » Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:23 am

Heck, I tend to brush my teeth about once every three days. Disgusting, I know, but I suppose I'm too lazy to brush them daily. When I start seeing a little bit of plaque on my teeth is usually when I brush them, or I'm going to a special outing and will be close to people.

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Re: Do you brush your teeth twice a day?

Post by Heatman » Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:31 am

It's not something that I do frequently. There are some days when I brush twice and there are days when only once is enough. I have never gone a day without brushing my teeth. I don't use any mouthwash because I don't trust them not to have any side effects.

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Re: Do you brush your teeth twice a day?

Post by deucher » Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:05 pm

I have had problems with this since childhood because I almost never brush my teeth twice a day, usually only in the evening. I know that there are problems because of this, but I keep forgetting. I brush my teeth 2 times a day only after my tooth starts to hurt and it becomes clear that I will soon go to the dentist.

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