Infringing On Other Country's Cultures

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Infringing On Other Country's Cultures

Post by Ravenfreak » Sun Oct 08, 2023 9:22 pm

Do you think other countries should be involved with other country's cultures? I know every culture is different, that's what makes everyone unique in my opinion. I don't think foreign countries should be telling other countries how to live their lives, there's no reason for one country to infringe on another to force them to conform to their culture and beliefs. Unfortunately, I feel like that's how a lot of wars are started. You've got terrorists entering countries and trying to force what they believe on others.

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Re: Infringing On Other Country's Cultures

Post by Jason76 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:07 am

Well, actually it's more complex than that. For instance, the Romans would let certain newborns die of exposure. Would it be rude to say something to them about it?

Anyway, generally speaking though, I get what you're saying. In fact, nosy and bossy people are not helping cross-cultural relations. For instance, it's not my place to criticize misogyny in the Arab World and really, what can I do really do about stuff I don't like, and who am I to stop stuff that others feel are not oppressing them anyway?

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