How do traditional rites of passage differ across cultures?

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How do traditional rites of passage differ across cultures?

Post by Rita » Mon Mar 04, 2024 9:14 am

Traditional rites of passage vary significantly across cultures, reflecting unique beliefs, values, and societal structures. While some cultures mark milestones such as birth, puberty, marriage, and death with elaborate ceremonies and rituals, others may have more subtle or informal traditions. Despite these differences, rites of passage serve to affirm cultural identity, community bonds, and individual growth and development.

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Re: How do traditional rites of passage differ across cultures?

Post by Troll » Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:17 am

Death rites differ significantly across cultures. In Hinduism, bodies are cremated on funeral pyres and ashes scattered in sacred rivers. Tibetan Buddhists practice sky burials, leaving bodies for vultures. In Madagascar, the Famadihana ceremony involves exhuming and rewrapping the deceased in fresh cloth. Each ritual reflects distinct beliefs about the afterlife and honoring the deceased.

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