Ever had a stye or chalazion before?

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Ever had a stye or chalazion before?

Post by Ravenfreak » Wed May 10, 2023 11:55 pm

Have you ever had a stye in your eye or a chalazion before? I've dealt with two chalazions on my right eye recently, the first one wouldn't go away so I got it surgically removed. This latest one is slowly going away on it's own thankfully. Chalazions appear on your upper lid and actually don't hurt they're just super annoying to deal with. However, styes are usually on your lower eye lid and often hurt. I've never had one of those before thankfully.

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Re: Ever had a stye or chalazion before?

Post by ZandraJoi » Fri May 12, 2023 12:37 am

I had a few styes when I was younger but nothing too recent. I have never heard of chalazion before. I didn't realize there were 2 types. How have you treated yours @Ravenfreak ? Do you know of ways to prevent them? What did you try before opting for surgery?

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