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Do you keep up with the latest fashion trends?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:20 am
by Ravenfreak
So do you like to keep up with the current fashion trends? I definitely don't, I just like to wear whatever feels comfortable myself. Though here lately most of the stuff from the 90's is coming back into style, which is pretty cool. I might start actually following the trends since I like the 90's style, my father has always worn that 90's grunge look. :lol: I usually just wear graphic tees and basketball shorts.

Re: Do you keep up with the latest fashion trends?

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:46 am
by ZandraJoi
I am not one who cares for fashion so I don't bother with designers' brands. I get most of my clothes from resale shops. Garage sales are best, if you can find your size & style. I only buy new when I need something quickly or I have not been able to find it.

Re: Do you keep up with the latest fashion trends?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2023 10:55 pm
by Shortie
No, I don't keep up with the latest fashion trends. I prefer to wear what I feel comfortable in and what will be suitable for my daily life which can be quite chaotic. I do have some friends though that feel the need to stay on top of every latest fashion trend there is and some of them have kids, of course, when they buy something that is quite expensive and fashionable they soon get upset and angry if it gets stained by their child. The child doesn't understand or know better. That is another reason why I don't tend to buy into fashion trends, it just would not be suitable for me with me having kids either.