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Do you have an allergy to any foods?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2023 11:55 pm
by Shortie
Whilst many people may not have any kind of allergy to any kind of foods, many people will have some kind of allergy and in some cases, it can be quite a surprise to know what foods some people are allergic to. Nuts are one allergy that seems to be most common but I know that there are more foods out there that are also common as well but you may not think so due to how much you hear about people having an allergy to them.

I myself to my knowledge do not have any allergies to any foods that I know of but my daughter found out around 5 years ago now she has an allergy to both pineapple and kiwi fruit so she has to avoid them at all costs.

Do you have an allergy of any foods?

Re: Do you have an allergy to any foods?

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2023 2:08 am
by Kale
None that I am aware of thankfully! I seem to be doing fine with what I do eat anyway.

Re: Do you have an allergy to any foods?

Posted: Thu May 11, 2023 4:33 am
by Henrywrites
I eat a lot of food. I mean that there is no particular food that makes me feel different when I eat them. This is the reason I can be able to stay with anyone no matter their food preferences.

Re: Do you have an allergy to any foods?

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 11:15 pm
by Ravenfreak
I'm thankfully not allergic to any foods I've ever had. My spouse is allergic to all types of seafood, ginger, and bananas. I really like fish so I either eat it when they're not around or I'll eat it here and there. In fact, I had a fish fillet for the first time in a while yesterday and it was so good. I don't mind making sacrifices for my spouse.

Re: Do you have an allergy to any foods?

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 8:40 am
by Ginger
I am not aware of any food of which I am allergic so thankfully there is no food as such but I am yet to try so many of the non veg dishes