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Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:19 am
by Shortie
One of the things I have noticed myself through the years is how badly my anxiety is affected when I leave the house to either go to the shops or even just go to a doctor's appointment or pick up medication or even go to another appointment I have. I find that having someone with me when I go out helps me a great deal in case I have an anxiety attack whilst I am out.

Do you find that going out increases your anxiety?

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 1:02 am
by ZandraJoi
Most of mine is social anxiety now. I try to test myself when we are out. Like go off on my own for a bit. Years ago, before I ate more organic, I would go to our local Rite Aid & get a candy bar. Was something small but it made me feel good that I went out by myself. Plus, hey, it was chocolate! :)
To handle an anxiety is liken to handle most anxieties, try to test yourself. Talk yourself through a realistic scenario. Ask yourself WHY are you i.e. afraid of heights. What could happen & then break those things down logically. That is what helps me. To be in control over an uncontrollable situation.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:21 am
by Ravenfreak
Yes being out in public definitely increases my anxiety. It's even worse for my spouse who's got general anxiety disorder. It's much better if I have them come in with me at a store or gas station, going in by myself absolutely freaks me out. I know it's something I really need to work on though, the more I do it alone the better it'll get.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:22 pm
by Cory
It used to be that way, but not anymore. I could barely tolerate going into public at some point in my life due to a great deal of social anxiety. I've concurred most of my social anxiety at this point, I think. I can talk to people and go into public at ease now. When I was in school, my anxiety was at an all-time high because that's when people are most immature and you never know what to expect from them.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 11:25 am
by Heatman
I don't have any kind of anxiety for leaving my home. I'm an extroverted person, so I even love being out of the house and getting in contact with people. I might even have anxiety from being in door 24/7 being outside.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:39 pm
by deucher
Rather, I had this because I really liked to die at home, but over time I got tired of it and started to like walking the streets and just seeing how other people live their lives. Especially when there is a large crowd rushing somewhere and I don't need it, I really like to just watch from the side.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:03 pm
by Jude
some people might feel anxious in social situations or when going out due to various reasons like social phobia, fear of judgment, or unfamiliar environments. It's essential to address such feelings by seeking support or using coping strategies if they interfere with daily life. I don't get that feeling

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:49 am
by Hazel
I do not have anxiety issues but I believe going outdoors can actually help alleviate anxiety for many people. Nature offers a calming environment that can reduce stress and promote relaxation. However, individuals with severe anxiety may find certain outdoor situations overwhelming. It's essential to tailor outdoor activities to one's comfort level and seek professional guidance if needed.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:59 am
If I am walking into situations that I’ve never been to before, it does increase my anxiety beforehand. Once I’m there and settled in, I’m usually fine - provided it’s with people I know. And meeting people I don’t know? That’s a big challenge.

Re: Do you find going out increases your anxiety?

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:36 pm
by Kennysplash
The opposite is the same for me. If I don’t go out for some days I start feeling like something is wrong. If you have anxiety due to being outside, then you are more of an introvert and don’t like relating with people much. But you don’t have a choice, everyone has to relate with others at some point.