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Does being in routine help your mental health?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 12:22 am
by Shortie
Something I hate and I find affects my mood, and my anxiety and also can make me feel depressed as well is when I am out of routine. I find that being in some kind of routine helps me feel less stressed, and more in control and that leads to less anxiety and feeling down or depressed. Unfortunately, life is life and because of that, sometimes you will find yourself out of routine.

Do you feel being in a routine helps your mental health? How do you feel when you are thrown out of routine?

Re: Does being in routine help your mental health?

Posted: Fri May 12, 2023 1:00 am
by ZandraJoi
I like my routine & find it helps me cope better with life & its stressors. I don’t have to think, just do. Thinking, while good, can be detrimental when we OVERthink the worst case scenarios. I do try to change up the routine slightly because I feel that is good for mental health as well. Not overly because that can increase anxiety but just a little difference.

Re: Does being in routine help your mental health?

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 11:33 pm
by Ravenfreak
I like to have a routine down since it helps me feel better. Anytime my routine changes, I feel off the rest of the day. For example today at work I was working on a machine I hardly ever work on, in fact I've only been on it once. I felt very off this morning because of it, but once I was at my usual spot for the rest of the day I finally got out of that funk.

Re: Does being in routine help your mental health?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 3:42 pm
by deucher
This is somewhat true because when I do something different from my daily routine, unnecessary thoughts immediately start coming into my head and I can't focus on the important thing, but when I'm just doing my work, I'm focused on it and give all my thoughts only to this process .