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What Not to Do While Losing Your Weight?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:48 am
by Daisy
A lot of us want to lose our weight, but not many of us realize the danger.
Eating less or not eating (fasting) is a popular weight loss method. Not eating or eating poorly is as bad as eating too much. While working out is a good way to remain fit and healthy, doing rigorous exercise with an aim to lose weight rapidly is detrimental to your health. Running on a treadmill for three hours every day will help you shed extra pounds in a short time, however, this might also land you in a hospital bed.
If you are using weight loss pill or diet pill, make sure you know what these products contain and how they work on your body. Before using weight loss pills, you should always consult a doctor. You need to understand that it is not okay to aim for rapid weight loss.

Re: What Not to Do While Losing Your Weight?

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2024 1:59 pm
by Guido
When losing weight, I've realized there are several things to avoid for long-term success. First, skipping meals is a big no-no, as it slows down metabolism and can lead to overeating later on. Extreme diets might seem tempting, but they’re tough to maintain and can deprive the body of essential nutrients. I also try not to obsess over the scale, since weight can fluctuate for various reasons—focusing on how I feel and my overall progress is more motivating. Cutting out entire food groups isn’t wise either, as it can lead to nutritional imbalances. Finally, neglecting self-care, like managing stress and getting enough sleep, can sabotage weight loss efforts. Staying balanced and patient is key to sustainable success.

Re: What Not to Do While Losing Your Weight?

Posted: Tue Sep 17, 2024 11:52 am
by Jojo
While losing weight, I avoid skipping meals, as it slows down my metabolism. I don’t follow extreme diets either, because they can lead to cravings and binge eating later. I also avoid obsessing over the scale every day, since weight can fluctuate naturally. Instead, I focus on consistent healthy habits like balanced meals and exercise.