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Enjoying Life Vs. Becoming Financially Secured

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:17 am
by Daisy
You need to enjoy life, however, you also need to become financially secured. Enjoyment should not come at the cost of your financial security. And there is no point of hoarding cash and building fortune when you will one day become too old to enjoy all you have. You need to find a middle path.
How to avoid over spending: In order to become financially secured, you need to avoid over spending. For example, people are spending too much on clothes, on shoes, on foods, on jewelries and accessories, etc. Never find happiness in things you buy. Happiness come from within.
Budget travel: You might want to go to Greek island. However, when you start suffering from finances after coming from the vacation, what’s the point of your vacation. Therefore, find a cheaper alternative. For instance, you can enjoy Indonesia or Maldives instead of Greece, which are cheaper travel destination.
Extra money: You should always look for ways to make extra money.

Re: Enjoying Life Vs. Becoming Financially Secured

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 11:02 pm
by Ravenfreak
Unfortunately since most of us live in capitalistic countries, we have to earn money in order to get food on our plates. You should learn to balance the two if you can, though it can be tough to do so. Your mental and physical health can deteriorate if you overwork yourself. Though you need to earn a decent amount of money to live. I would love to be able to enjoy life more by working less, but it's not possible for me to do this.

Re: Enjoying Life Vs. Becoming Financially Secured

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 2:32 pm
by deucher
I tried to enjoy a simple life and not chase after financial stability, but this can last for a short time due to the fact that you cannot afford to buy a lot of things that would possibly make you happier, so you still need to earn a little more money first to be able to enjoy life in peace.