God Vs. Money

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God Vs. Money

Post by Daisy » Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:23 am

Do you know which is the world's biggest company? Do you know about the man who sits on world's biggest wealth reserve? Catholic church has the value of 10 trillion and Pope sits on world's biggest wealth reserve. The nearest competitor is Apple which has the net worth of 2.08 trillion.
Have you ever listened to what Catholic church says? It says money is the root of all evil, money is not source of happiness, and ll those bullshit.
Why does God need money? Why does church need money?

One of the reasons why people think money is evil is because religion discourages you to make money and build your fortune, instead you are required to donate everything you have. I don't know whether this has been mentioned n religious documents like Bible, Quran, or the Bhagavata Gita, however, if you listen to religious leaders in any religion you will see that they will always denounce money.

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Re: God Vs. Money

Post by Ravenfreak » Sun Aug 06, 2023 10:21 pm

I do think it's ironic that many people believe that money is the root of all evil, but then donate to their church. I was baptized Catholic and went to church for a little bit as a kid. I always thought it was odd that people were donating money to the church, it just didn't sit right with me. It's crazy to think that the pope has much more money than Apple.

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Re: God Vs. Money

Post by Riberet19 » Wed Aug 30, 2023 9:41 am

I think the catholic church needs some money to maintain itself as normal, but I think that amount of money is simply exorbitant and unjustifiable, I consider myself Catholic, but I do not approve of so many things of the catholic church, I like more to be guided by the teachings of the Bible and not pay much attention to the constant changes of discourse of the church.

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Re: God Vs. Money

Post by Nathan » Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:55 am

The concept of God vs. money juxtaposes spiritual values with material wealth. While God represents spiritual fulfillment, morality, and transcendence, money symbolizes materialism, power, and temporal satisfaction. The conflict arises when individuals prioritize one over the other, leading to ethical dilemmas and existential questioning about the true source of fulfillment and purpose in life.

In many religious traditions, donating money to religious institutions is considered a form of support for the community and its activities. However, impressing or gaining favor with God is generally believed to involve actions aligned with the teachings and principles of the faith, such as kindness, compassion, and ethical behavior, rather than solely financial contributions.

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Re: God Vs. Money

Post by arunima25 » Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:21 pm

One can't deny that religion is business these days. The concept of religion would have raised due to the fear and doubts that people had, and also to streamline a society. Else it would have been even more chaotic. The good and evil, the heaven and hell etc are coined to make human stick to the human virtues and not become monsters.
It's interesting that money is not considered evil in Hinduism. In fact we worship Goddess of wealth called Laxmi. Hinduism advocates that one has the obligation to have financial abundance in all ethical and moral ways. Prosperity is worshipped. It is believed that money can get a lot of goodness done through you.

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