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Friends causing your bad mental health

Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:13 pm
by Shortie
Something you may have noticed throughout your life is even though you may have friends, sometimes they can be the cause of your bad mental health. They may not always realize they are causing you the issues and some may know and may not seem bothered which is never a way to be, especially if it is affecting you in a mental way.

Have you ever found that your friends have caused your bad mental health? Did they know or were they unaware? Did you tell them if they were unaware?

Re: Friends causing your bad mental health

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 5:43 pm
by Debashis
If they are your real friends, they will realize it and stop doing it. If you have people in your life that constantly do it even though they see that its making you feel bad or somehow affecting you negatively, the best thing to do is to part ways. That's what I have been doing so far and continue to do so. You shouldn't tolerate negative people in your life because even if you life is good, they will make sure you feel that it isn't that good actually.

Re: Friends causing your bad mental health

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:35 pm
by Ravenfreak
My spouse and I had to stop hanging out with some friends and call off the friendship because they were affecting our mental health. Both of these people had crushes on both my spouse and I, we didn't have the same feelings. They wanted us to be in one huge poly amorous relationship, but we're not interesting in having one, our relationship is a monogamous one. We were creeped out by this so we stopped being friends with them. They also wanted us to move in with them, both of them couldn't drive so they were looking to take advantage of my spouse and I. They were both narcissistic too, it was a huge mess.

Re: Friends causing your bad mental health

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2023 11:34 am
by Heatman
My friend is supposed to be supportive and not cause me depression and anxiety. This is why I'm very careful and slow when it comes to making friends. I have a very serious trust issues. The moment I find out that you're of bad influence in my life as a friend, I will cut you off immediately!

Re: Friends causing your bad mental health

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2024 11:11 pm
by Jason76
No doubt that toxic people are no good. It's advised to get rid of toxic people. Anyway, though, it's not as easy as it seems. Well, we don't live in an ideal world.

How do you figure we can get rid of toxic friends? Should we get rid of them in all cases? Are toxic friends character builders?