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Ever played Baseball?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:46 am
by Ravenfreak
Have you ever played baseball before? If so was it just for fun or were you part of a team? I've never actually played baseball before, I've played Wiffle Ball which is very similar to baseball. In wiffle ball though, you use a very light bat and a ball with holes. My family used to play wiffle ball all the time in my grandma's back yard. I had a few cousins who played baseball on a team and I used to watch them play at the local park.

Re: Ever played Baseball?

Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:01 pm
by Shortie
I can't say that I have ever played baseball myself if I am honest. I remember when I was in primary and junior school we used to play a sport called rounders which I guess was similar to baseball and I used to love that.

I was always the person that they chose to take one of the final rounds if it was a draw between the two teams as I was good at hitting the rounders ball quite far and being able to get a full rounder.

Re: Ever played Baseball?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2023 6:48 am
by Heatman
I haven't played baseball and I don't really know if I would ever play it. It's not a common sports in my state. I have only watched baseball being played on TV and that's just it.

It's an entertaining sports by the way and if it happened to have been played in my country, I will most likely be involved in playing it once in a while.

Re: Ever played Baseball?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:05 am
by The Raven
I did but not professionally, only outside, at schoolyard. And it wasn't over complete court, but only half of it. Less running but much more fun. I recall I was good at it, I was very fast and a good play maker. I can see who is where and to fake run under the basket so that I can throw to a guy with much clear position.

Re: Ever played Baseball?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 1:18 pm
by Riberet19
I played baseball for a few years but I did not play in any club, but in the physical education classes of the school and the high school, where for about 1 month we had to play baseball every day and study this sport, it is a sport that I like much more to play it than to see it.