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What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2023 9:26 am
by Debashis
What is the thing that scares you the most?

For me, the greatest fear would be losing my loves ones (my friends & family).
Being someone who has a small circle, I really care about each and every person in my life.
Loosing them would be really painful.

Re: What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2023 5:48 pm
by Shortie
I have two fears that I would say are my greatest fears and it was not until I got older that I realized just how big the fears were though.

My first greatest fear would have to be losing my family, I am only close to certain people in my family due to issues and we have already lost so many people over the last few years, losing others is a huge fear I have.

Also, another huge fear I have is a fear of dying. This was not a fear I even knew I had until I had kids and it crossed my mind one day and upset me.

Re: What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:57 pm
by Ravenfreak
My greatest fear in life is losing my spouse and other loved ones. I know we can't live forever, but I dread the day that my spouse passes away. I don't wish to be alone in this world, like many other people.

Re: What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2023 8:50 am
by Ja sa bong
Fire is my greatest fear in life. I was nearly burnt alive in a car accident after I was trapped inside. If I had not been saved from the fire, I would have been dead now.

Re: What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:51 am
by Heatman
Two things in this life are my greatest fear.
1. Losing my mother.
2. Becoming bankrupt.

The day my mother is going to pass, it's definitely going to break me in a million pieces. I can't prepare myself for it. I'm waiting for the day it's going to happen.

Being broke fears me to death. It's why I'm working like a horse everything to stop that from happening.

Re: What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:22 pm
by deucher
I don't have one, because I already know that I will die alone, so I accepted this fact, and in fact, my biggest fear is if someone steals my smartphone, because there is really a lot of important information there, and I simply cannot even imagine how much time and money it will cost me. restore it

Re: What's your greatest fear?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:50 pm
by Cory
Like most others, losing loved ones is probably my biggest fear. My family is the primary reason I've stayed afloat for so long throughout my life.

Another fear would be being homeless due to a lack of financial stability.