Old Computers

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Old Computers

Post by Ravenfreak » Mon Sep 04, 2023 7:56 pm

Do you still have a old computer lying around? If so, how old is it and what operating system does it have? I have a old gaming rig that's almost 10 years old. The graphics card was going out in it which is why I eventually stopped using it in 2018. I don't know if it just needed to be cleaned, but I made the switch to a gaming laptop. I know there are quite a few people who still own older pcs that run Windows 98 or XP so they can play oldschool games.

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Re: Old Computers

Post by Heatman » Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:55 am

Well, I believe that gaming system are part of old computers. I still have my Gameboy and it's still working very well. I even played games with it last week. It should be the oldest computer device that I still have which is functioning.

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