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Do you like working out alone?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2023 1:03 pm
by Heatman
When it comes to how you enjoy working out, do you like doing it alone or with people around? If you're working out alone, it most likely means that you will have a gym at home where you workout. Needing people's presence when working out means that you would be in the public gym house.

How do you like it?

Re: Do you like working out alone?

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:56 am
by The Raven
Absolutely! I am not much of a social guy and if there is a way to avoid interaction with humans in terms of exercise, I would prefer it. I know this comes from my insecurity because I am not a big guy and going to gym and doing small weights make me look weak as a man. But, when it comes to social interaction in cafe or restaurant, I am fine with that. I am, good at communication, believe it or not because I have many interests in life.

Re: Do you like working out alone?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 7:55 pm
by Henrywrites
I can do both. Training alone or training with a partner. The focus is always on getting along the line and becoming better at my work out goals. I am not denying the fact that when you are training with someone, you feel more relaxed and see it as fun though.

Re: Do you like working out alone?

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2024 5:27 pm
by deucher
I always didn't like doing it in the gym because there are a lot of people there and I'm sure everyone will want to give advice when I do something wrong and also everyone will stare because I have really bad form so even at times I'm just embarrassed to do it in front of other people