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Culture of bending to greet?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 7:22 pm
by Henrywrites
I read that there are certain traditions where the younger ones bend or lie on the floor to greet their elders. It is said that it is the way to show that they respect such an elder and also a way of showing humility. Have you experienced or heard about such culture?

Re: Culture of bending to greet?

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 9:41 am
by The Raven
In Thailand there is a bow culture and it is still in practice today and how low you bow depends on the status of a person you bow to. If it is a King you would literally bow to the ground as if you are a slave and not a person. You also bow very low for monks. For parents there has to be respect and of course a bow but not as it is to other elder citizens out there.

Personally, I dislike this because most people fake it. Who does that out of love and true respect? It is a learned behavior in life and you just apply it.