Role of gadgets

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Role of gadgets

Post by Debashis » Sun Oct 08, 2023 2:08 pm

Do you believe that the constant innovation and reliance on gadgets in our lives enhance our productivity and convenience, or do they sometimes hinder our ability to disconnect and be present in the moment?

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Re: Role of gadgets

Post by Henrywrites » Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:06 am

Life has become easier with changes that technology brings to our lives. However, that has made most humans become lazy about completing basic tasks that they shouldn't rely on technology to handle. This is what has been a worry to me as of recent with people now becoming less productive and depending so much on technology.

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Re: Role of gadgets

Post by deucher » Tue Jan 09, 2024 3:58 pm

In my opinion, they simultaneously simplified life and greatly complicated it, that's why I, for example, don't really like the fact that all adults and children give up communication for the sake of a smartphone, but at the same time, without it, it was difficult for me to solve problems that can be discussed in the messenger.

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