Why do people live fake lives on social media platforms?

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Why do people live fake lives on social media platforms?

Post by Heatman » Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:54 pm

Have you noticed how a lot of people are not really who they present themselves to be on different social media platforms? I have observed from some people I know personally that they all live fake lives on social media platforms. They make themselves look so rich online but they are poor in real life.

Why do people go through the stress of doing something like this?

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Re: Why do people live fake lives on social media platforms?

Post by deucher » Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:46 pm

I have never done this, but I believe that people simply do not like communication and they want to appear to be something that they are not and think that they will be able to know real friends, but it never worked because real friends can only be when they actually prove it.

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Re: Why do people live fake lives on social media platforms?

Post by Daisy » Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:47 am

People often live fake lives on social media platforms due to societal pressures, a desire for validation, and fear of missing out (FOMO). The curated nature of social media encourages individuals to showcase only the highlights of their lives, leading to a distorted portrayal of reality. Seeking approval and admiration, people embellish their achievements and selectively share moments, creating an illusion of perfection. Fear of judgment or inadequacy drives them to present an idealized version of themselves. However, this façade can lead to feelings of insecurity and disconnection, as genuine human connection becomes overshadowed by superficiality and comparison.

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Re: Why do people live fake lives on social media platforms?

Post by Jason76 » Wed Feb 28, 2024 12:58 am

Some people don't think it's cool to admit failure. It's a macho thing. Of course, to some extent I can understand why, but it can lead to massive fakeness.

Anyway, myself, I would want to balance out admitting failure with showing success with success being more in the picture. It's to keep things positive and to not seem so weak. :)

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