Will you buy fashion at Christmas?

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Will you buy fashion at Christmas?

Post by Riberet19 » Thu Nov 16, 2023 8:29 pm

Now comes one of the most important dates in terms of fashion purchases, that is, Christmas, in my case, I am thinking of buying certain fashion items to give as gifts on these dates, have you thought about buying fashion at Christmas?

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The Raven
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Re: Will you buy fashion at Christmas?

Post by The Raven » Mon Nov 27, 2023 3:57 pm

I don't buy cloths based on holiday but rather based on season. I do care how I look like but it makes no difference to me what holiday is it. Ok, I understand people love buying sweaters for Christmas with raindear on it or trees or santa. But that's just not me. What I do know is that girls must buy some new dress or whatever for new year eve celebration :D

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