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How do you feel about traveling alone or with a company? What advantages do you see in each option?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:06 pm
by deucher
Of course, I love my friends and family, but it's much more pleasant for me to travel by myself, because when I'm alone I can do what I want, and in a company, you have to adapt to their interests, so yes. But sometimes it is possible to travel with a company.

Re: How do you feel about traveling alone or with a company? What advantages do you see in each option?

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:55 pm
by Cory
I've never even traveled alone, but I feel much safer in unfamiliar territory with company by my side. Plus, I feel like I wouldn't be as lonely if I had company with me. Traveling alone does have its perks, though, but I'd rather travel with those close to me.

Re: How do you feel about traveling alone or with a company? What advantages do you see in each option?

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2024 8:35 am
by Kennysplash
Traveling with a close companion makes the experience worthwhile. You have someone that you can share every moment with, you build memories together. Solo is good too, but if you can, go with a companion.

Re: How do you feel about traveling alone or with a company? What advantages do you see in each option?

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2024 12:19 am
by Ravenfreak
I wouldn't want to travel alone, unless it was to a place I've been to before. I feel more secure if I am traveling with other people. It's nice to have a schedule based around what you want to do, and this can be an issue if you have more than one person with you and they all want to do different things.

Re: How do you feel about traveling alone or with a company? What advantages do you see in each option?

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:16 pm
by Zion
I enjoy both traveling alone and with company, each for different reasons. When I travel alone, I love the freedom to do exactly what I want, at my own pace, and the sense of self-discovery it brings. On the other hand, traveling with others offers shared experiences, memories, and the chance to connect on a deeper level with those I’m with. Both options have their unique appeal.