Do you think cultures should be open to outside influences?

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Do you think cultures should be open to outside influences?

Post by deucher » Tue Jan 23, 2024 7:57 pm

By external influence, I mean the influence of those people who do not belong to that culture and are not their heritage. Because many people will want to change it to suit their style and possibly their rare culture, and this is very dangerous in the long run, because time can conduct very terrible experiments and such a culture can simply change 100 percent in many years.

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Re: Do you think cultures should be open to outside influences?

Post by Daisy » Fri Feb 09, 2024 7:53 am

Yes, I believe cultures should be open to outside influences to foster growth, understanding, and enrichment. Embracing diverse perspectives and practices can lead to cultural exchange, innovation, and mutual respect. While preserving one's heritage is important, being receptive to external influences promotes cultural evolution and harmony in an interconnected world.

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Re: Do you think cultures should be open to outside influences?

Post by Nathan » Mon Feb 26, 2024 6:43 am

Yes, I believe cultures should be open to outside influences. Exposure to different ideas, traditions, and perspectives enriches cultural experiences and promotes innovation. Embracing diversity fosters understanding and tolerance, breaking down barriers and fostering collaboration. While preserving core values and heritage is important, being open to outside influences allows cultures to evolve and adapt, creating a more interconnected and vibrant global community.

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