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What's your favorite movie twist ending that you didn't see coming?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:20 pm
by Kristie
The twist ending of "The Sixth Sense" shocked audiences with its revelation that Bruce Willis's character had been dead the whole time. The subtle clues sprinkled throughout the film suddenly made sense in retrospect, making it one of the most memorable and impactful twist endings in cinematic history.

Re: What's your favorite movie twist ending that you didn't see coming?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2024 3:53 pm
by George
"The Usual Suspects" is renowned for its mind-bending twist ending that leaves viewers reeling with its revelation of the true identity of the enigmatic criminal mastermind, Keyser Söze. The film's intricate plot, unreliable narrator, and expertly crafted suspense make it a thrilling and unforgettable

Re: What's your favorite movie twist ending that you didn't see coming?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 7:38 am
by Heatman
How Jon Snow ended up killing The Dragon Queen in Game of Thrones was a plot twist I didn't see happen. It's a twist most fans who enjoyed the show kicked against. Everyone hated the ending of Game of Thrones.

Re: What's your favorite movie twist ending that you didn't see coming?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 6:06 pm
by Timgab
The twist in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" revealing that Hydra had infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. from within was mind-blowing. It completely changed the dynamics of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and left viewers stunned.