Mental Health Discussion
Mental Health Forum => Stress => Topic started by: ZandraJoi on May 25, 2022, 05:57:28 PM
Sometimes when we are drained it’s because we have too many things on our list.
I remember to practice Self-Care. When I find there are so many things on my mind, I make a To-do list. Some add in pros & cons that may be helpful. Seeing what I have to do helps get it out of my head. Very important also is to add in that list relaxation. Whether that is reminding yourself to take a hot bath, practicing yoga, going for a walk. Even vegging in front of the TV if that calms you down. It’s OKAY to say NO & to cross off things on your list that you really don’t want to do & it doesn’t need to be done by YOU.
I find my stress gets high with those To-Do's. We tend to want to do more & more & then before we know it, we are so overwhelmed with life.
What helps you cope with the stressors of life?