Mental Health Discussion

Mental Health Forum => Other Mental Diseases => Topic started by: Howard on June 08, 2022, 10:47:35 AM

Title: Foods That May Trigger Migraine
Post by: Howard on June 08, 2022, 10:47:35 AM
If you are battling migraine, some kinds of foods might make your condition worse. Avoid the following foods to avoid getting migraine triggers.

Cultured dairy products
Nuts and nut butter
Fruits like banana and papaya, and all sorts of citrus fruits (including lemons and oranges)
Soy products (including soybeans and soy sauce
Vegetables like tomatoes, Pea pods, and onions

Title: Re: Foods That May Trigger Migraine
Post by: ZandraJoi on February 21, 2023, 04:56:26 PM
That's a great list! People underestimate the power food can have over our physical & mental health. If people don't believe me, just look at how people react when they drink, or rather don't drink, coffee! Or when they "need" that sugar fix because their energy & hence moods dipped down.
Title: Re: Foods That May Trigger Migraine
Post by: Shortie on February 23, 2023, 04:27:25 PM
This is very interesting to know. I was diagnosed with acute migraines in August 2022 when I ended up in A&E due to a headache I had for quite a few days that had not eased at all. I was told that it was more than likely caused by stress as I tend to get them more when I am stressed but it is nice to know that some foods may trigger it so I can keep an eye out for that now and eliminate foods that may trigger it. Thanks!