Mental Health Discussion
General Discussion => Alternative Mental Health Treatment => Topic started by: JackSparrow on June 08, 2022, 07:52:05 PM
If you are anxious, tense, stressed out, or feeling depressed, here are 10 practical ways to quiet your mind
Get outside
Help someone
Chat with a friend
Wach fish swim
Start a garden
Have a laugh
Think of a favorite spot
Hang out with a dog
Listen to music
Try yoga
Get creative (writing, painting, etc.)
In these days I do all these things online only and no gardening or using Dog since I dont have such things in my home.
I suggest you to add watch on Youtube as this is one of the ongoing tratment for us.
I can attest to being able to quiet your mind with these ways. Breathing fresh air helps rejuvenate the blood which can lower stress levels. Helping another always helps you in the process as it gives you a sense of self-worth.
Can anybody add anything to this list that has helped them?