Mental Health Discussion

Mental Health Forum => Stress => Topic started by: JackSparrow on June 08, 2022, 07:55:12 PM

Title: Physical Signs of Stress
Post by: JackSparrow on June 08, 2022, 07:55:12 PM
Here are some signs to watch out for in order to determine whether you are too stressed out or not.

Neck and shoulder pain
Back pain
Upset stomach
Not feeling hungry
Lumb in the throat
Heavy chest
Tight muscles

If you are experiencing most of these physical symptoms, you need to consult your therapist.
Title: Re: Physical Signs of Stress
Post by: Arnold on July 05, 2022, 01:41:03 AM
Effects of long-term stress are even more dangerous. If you are battling with stress for a long time, you might experience...

Depression, anxiety, forgetfulness
Risk of strokes
Eczema or psoriasis
Acne or rosacea
Prone to catching a cold
Odds of diabetes may rise
Sexual problems
Risk of high BP or heart attacks