Mental Health Discussion
General Discussion => Mental Health Issues in Popular Arts => Topic started by: Heatman on December 14, 2022, 03:08:55 PM
Between reading books and watching movies which one do you find more relaxing and comfortable doing often? For me, it's always going to be watching movies. I do read books once in a while especially when it's a great book. The book that I'm reading now is Fire & Blood by George R.R Martin. But for movies, I watch almost all the time.
What's your own preference?
If it's summer, I rather read the book as I can be outside on my swing. If it's winter, I tend to watch more TV & movies. Chilling with the TV appeals to me better when it's cold & gloomy outside. When it's nice out, I don't want to be indoors if I don't have to be.
I'd rather watch a movie. Books are great and all but they take quite a lot of time to read.
I have read a couple of books and reading books. Art of seduction and 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene were 2 of my favorites. Reading books shows one Ann insight of what life is all about.
In most cases, depending on the kind of book that I'm reading, it's fun but generally reading books is boring. I prefer watching movies especially when it's TV shows. I find watching movies more relaxing.
I find books really hard to follow as I lose concentration easily so my eyes will start reading other lines and so I can't follow the stories that well. I can concentrate on books by authors like Roald Dahl because they're smaller books. But I will always prefer movies and even if the movie is three hours long I can still focus on it if it's interesting. Some movies start out slow and really irritate me.