Mental Health Discussion

Mental Health Forum => Stress => Topic started by: ZandraJoi on December 16, 2022, 02:26:04 AM

Title: Work stress
Post by: ZandraJoi on December 16, 2022, 02:26:04 AM
How do you deal with work stress? While I don't work anymore, when I did, I had a hard time keeping work at work & home at home. As I got older, what helps generally is Priorities. If you focus all your time & energy on something else (work, exes, whatever is draining you), you won't have the time to focus on those who love & support you. Life is too short. Spend that time with the people who love you & you love. Even if it's a spouse, furkids, human kids. Focus your time on THEM. & most importantly, on your own self for Self-Care.
How do you manage your stressors from your job?
Title: Re: Work stress
Post by: Henrywrites on December 19, 2022, 10:06:50 AM
I was able to understand early on in life that working and keeping it at work is very important. I didn't want work to stress me much. So, I do my part and rest when it is needed.