Mental Health Discussion

Mental Health Forum => Stress => Topic started by: Shortie on December 21, 2022, 09:36:17 PM

Title: What symptoms do you get when stressed that affect your health?
Post by: Shortie on December 21, 2022, 09:36:17 PM
Throughout my life and the stress I have experienced I have noticed that a lot of the stress I have dealt with has led me to end up with health issues that I now have to live with. Due to me being in a mentally abusive relationship for about 11 years that I was scared to get out of until I spoke up, the stress of being in the situation and not knowing if I would ever get out led to me ending up with stomach problems, Fibromyalgia and also acute migraines which I suffer with almost daily. I also now suffer with a hiatal hernia which tends to flare up when I am most stressed.

Have you had any symptoms that you noticed when you are stressed? Have they affected your health at all?