Mental Health Discussion
Mental Health Forum => Stress => Topic started by: Shortie on December 21, 2022, 09:38:31 PM
Have you noticed anything in your life that tends to cause you more stress than any thing else that you go through? I myself have 4 children who are all a little older now and whilst they can cause some stress, it's never as much as you would expect but if I find myself out of routine, things not going right or just life in general not feeling right, I notice that my stress levels become higher than they would any other time when I get stressed.
Have you noticed that there is anything in particular that causes you more stress than you would normally go through?
Worrying has been found to cause me a lot of stress. When I worry about certain things in life, I noticed that I began having some mental meltdown that affected the way that I felt and acted. I have learnt to always not worry too much about life and what it entails, but rather focus on the other things that I can control.