Mental Health Discussion

General Discussion => Alternative Mental Health Treatment => Topic started by: Shortie on January 10, 2023, 09:37:48 PM

Title: Listening to music when sleeping to help relax and help your mental health.
Post by: Shortie on January 10, 2023, 09:37:48 PM
Listening to music has been known to lift one's mood and help you feel more motivated. I know I love to listen to music whenever I can whether it be when I am doing housework, working, or even sometimes when I go out for a walk. One question I do have though is if anyone here listens to music when they sleep to help them relax and help their mental health.

I have heard a few people say about how they listen to music on low when they sleep, just enough so they can hear it but it does not disturb others but I have never asked them whether it helps them with how the feel the following day when they week or if they notice a change in their mental health my doing this.

Have you ever listened to music whilst you have slept and have you noticed any difference in how you feel mentally or even physically after doing so?
Title: Re: Listening to music when sleeping to help relax and help your mental health.
Post by: Heatman on February 07, 2023, 04:16:52 PM
Even when I don't have any mental health issues, sleeping with music is something that I have come to find very effective for me in making me sleep well. It's why I always have music on playing whenever I'm sleeping.
Title: Re: Listening to music when sleeping to help relax and help your mental health.
Post by: Ravenfreak on February 21, 2023, 02:23:25 AM
I've never listened to music while falling asleep. I do like to have white noise on in the background to help me fall asleep though. Music does calm me down after having a long day, it feels good to just relax and put my headphones on and get lost in my favorite music. Sometimes I even like listening to music on my tv. :)