Mental Health Discussion

Mental Health Forum => Anxiety => Topic started by: Ravenfreak on February 21, 2023, 02:13:19 AM

Title: Does anyone else deal with Social Anxiety?
Post by: Ravenfreak on February 21, 2023, 02:13:19 AM
I have pretty bad social anxiety. I was worse as a kid, during school I was the quiet kid and I barely talked in school. I broke out of my shell a little bit when I got my first job, since I worked in retail I had to talk to people on a daily basis. I have issues calling people on the phone, and have issues going into stores by myself. :S It makes me very anxious if I have to interact with another person that I don't know. I know if I do these things more often, I can overcome them but it's very stressful and I get super anxious and freak out. I don't have panic attacks, but I do rock back and forth and yell a bit. Does anyone else deal with this? If you did, what made you get better at dealing with every day interactions with others?
Title: Re: Does anyone else deal with Social Anxiety?
Post by: Cory on March 04, 2023, 02:18:36 PM
I dealt with extreme social anxiety in my teens and younger twenties. Once I started to realize that adulthood was nothing like teenagehood, my social anxiety slowly diminished. To this day, I still deal with a degree of social anxiety, but nothing like it was before.
Title: Re: Does anyone else deal with Social Anxiety?
Post by: Henrywrites on October 14, 2023, 02:21:02 AM
I dealt with extreme social anxiety in my teens and younger twenties. Once I started to realize that adulthood was nothing like teenagehood, my social anxiety slowly diminished. To this day, I still deal with a degree of social anxiety, but nothing like it was before.

The panic that you are always in the spotlights can be a difficult experience to handle. Social anxiety will always come as a result of your fear that those outside there are judgemental of how you dress, how you interact, and how you handle issues. It is never an easy route at all, but one should understand that no one matters in your world aside from you.