Mental Health Discussion
The Hangout => The Hangout => Topic started by: Ravenfreak on October 30, 2023, 11:45:21 PM
I know some people don't celebrate any Holidays, do you like to celebrate them? I enjoy celebrating some Holidays but not all of them. I like to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my spouse's birthday, my birthday and the 4th of July which is the US's independence day. I don't really celebrate the other ones though, I'm not religious so I haven't celebrated Easter since I was a kid. Tomorrow is Halloween and I will be dressing up at work, but I won't be handing out candy since I don't care for dealing with children. xD
Yes. I tend to celebrate all holidays. I think a lot of the bigger companies have forgotten the meaning of some of the larger celebrations like Christmas, and tend to use it as an excuse to heavily market products for profit.