Mental Health Discussion

The Hangout => The Hangout => Topic started by: Heatman on November 03, 2023, 06:39:48 AM

Title: What's the last game you played?
Post by: Heatman on November 03, 2023, 06:39:48 AM
Do you like playing video games? Personally, it's something that I love so much because it's my hobby. I try to play games at least 1 hour every day I managed to get on my Playstation 5. I played Red Dead Redemption 2 last.

Which game did you play last?
Title: Re: What's the last game you played?
Post by: Bizdustry on November 04, 2023, 11:35:21 PM
Last video game I played? It was Fortnite about 30 minutes ago. Played a Solo Match and died quite quickly, and this is when I knew my gaming session was over before wasting the whole night losing.