Mental Health Discussion

Mental Health Forum => Schizophrenia => Topic started by: JonSnow on December 31, 2021, 01:06:15 AM

Title: Can You Find Out if You Are Schizophrenic?
Post by: JonSnow on December 31, 2021, 01:06:15 AM
When you have Schizophrenia, you will have hallucinations, delusions, too much negative thoughts, and disorganized behavior and speech. These symptoms are easy to spot.

When you have Schizophrenia, you hear voices in your head, you will see things that do not actually exist, you cannot think properly, and you cannot speak properly. However, in order to be diagnosed as Schizophrenic you will have to experience these symptoms multiple times in a single month.
Title: Can You Find Out if You Are Schizophrenic?
Post by: Ja sa bong on March 28, 2022, 12:15:09 AM
Well, if you ask me, I know very well that I'm not suffering from Schizophrenia at all because if I ever did, it most certainly would have been found by my family members that we all live together. I believe that one's lifestyle plays a big role in this as well.