Mental Health Discussion
February 08, 2025, 09:45:29 PM *
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Messages - Administrator

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I don't agree when people categorizes mental health issues depending on generations. All humans share common emotions and specific events can trigger some issues, but what changes is what event is that. Even though for modern kids it is discrimination of social media, for older generations is discrimination in real life. But the core concept is the same, discrimination and the effects are equal.
You have a point, but it is also true that some group of people are more prone to certain health conditions than other. For instance, an old person might not be affected by death as he has seen enough death in his life but death of someone close can come as a terrible for a teenager.

Mental Health Information / Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT
« on: February 09, 2022, 11:56:35 AM »
Do you want to understand anxiety and depression, do you want to know how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy works, if your answer is yes, join the course Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT. This online course will help you improve your knowledge about anxiety and depression.

Course prepared by: University of Reading

Course available on: Future Learn

Course length: 5 Weeks

Accreditation: Available

Go to the link in order to join the course

Mental Health Information / The Many Faces of Dementia
« on: February 09, 2022, 11:20:52 AM »
It is estimated that over more than 44 million people worldwide are affected by dementia. The Many Faces of Dementia is an online course on Dementia that will help you understand this disease through the stories and symptoms. The course will cover the following topics:

1. The symptoms and science behind Alzheimer’s disease

2. Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia

3. Dementia with Lewy bodies and posterior cortical atrophy and science behind four less common diagnoses

The course was prepared by University College London (UCL)

The course is available on Future Learn, an online learning platform

Course length: 4 Weeks

Accreditation: Available

Go to the link in order to join the course.

The Hangout / Meme of the Day
« on: December 21, 2021, 05:29:09 AM »
This is a thread to share memes that can inspire, motivate, relax and make you feel happy. Feel free to share the memes that you liked. Please do not share obscenity because we are a family-friendly discussion board. Please mention the source where you found the meme and also tell us why you liked this meme very much.

Below I am sharing a meme I found on my Facebook feed shared by a friend. My friend did not mention the source, so I could not share the actual source.

The Four Stages of a Man's Life

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The Hangout / Quote of the Day
« on: December 21, 2021, 05:11:32 AM »
This is a thread for posting quotes that you find motivating and inspiring. When you share the quote please mention the source (where it was first published and who said it). If you are sharing quotes through images, either share the images you have permission to share or share only the image that you have created. Also, explain what you like most about this quote.

I will begin with a quote.

Live. Laugh. Love!

These are three simple words, but how profound they are. These words tell what we need to do to in life.

Below I have shared an image I found on Pixabay.

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Pages: [1]
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