Mental Health Discussion
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: Deep belly breathing  ( 1621 )
: 34

« : May 25, 2022, 05:45:24 PM »

We all take breathing for granted. But most of us tend to do shallow breathing. Especially when we are overwhelmed, anxious, stressed.
Have any of you tried deep belly breathing? I know we take it for granted but focusing on your breathing REALLY does help. It’s where the belly moves in & out as opposed to the chest. I've tinkered with pranayama breaths but found that just focusing on deep belly breathing is what works for me. 
Jr. Member
: 50

« #1 : June 21, 2022, 04:18:35 PM »

I do breathing exercises when I have psychological and emotional issues. My favorite breathing exercise is from yoga, where you will have to constantly breathe out forcefully. You breathe out forcefully but you have to let air fill in your lungs naturally. Five minutes into it and you will feel relased.
« : August 04, 2022, 08:13:47 AM Administrator »
: 34

« #2 : December 12, 2022, 02:40:21 AM »

I have done this deep belly breathing by closing one nose, but this is used to work our nerves in brain too as a psycologist suggested me long ago. It also helps easy to digest, etc. This is done during morning when we woke up.
Jr. Member
: 80

« #3 : February 26, 2023, 09:07:46 AM »

I do deep breathing therapy when I am having some difficulties with navigating through the challenge of life and my head full. I use it as a means to calm my nerves while working on becoming better.
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