Mental Health Discussion
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: Does body odour piss you off?  ( 128 )
Jr. Member
: 95

« : November 06, 2023, 04:23:10 PM »

Personally, I hate it whenever I come across someone who has a very stench bad body odor.

I cannot stand it and it's something that pisses me off immediately I come across or in contact with such person. The way I am going to react, the person is going to know immediately that I am feeling irritated about how he smells.

Does body odour piss off your mood?
: 41

« #1 : November 19, 2023, 04:52:41 PM »

Body odor does annoy me, but I do use deodorant so unless I do a lot of exercise in one day I shouldn't go home smelling. But there again it doesn't hurt to have a freshen up in the shower or bath when you go home. It's a lot nicer going to bed after having a warm relaxing shower/bath.
: [1]  

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