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: Snobby artists  ( 432 )
: 22

« : December 16, 2022, 05:32:42 PM »

Why are artists so snobby? I've noticed how egotistical they get and how far up they are in the ego district.
: 34

« #1 : February 18, 2023, 05:41:02 AM »

No, not all artists are snobs. Like any group of people, artists can have a wide range of personalities, attitudes, and beliefs. Some artists may be very down-to-earth and approachable, while others may come across as more aloof or pretentious. However, it is not fair to generalize all artists as being snobs based on the behavior of a few individuals.
: 46

« #2 : February 18, 2023, 05:44:34 AM »

Artists, like anyone else, have their own preferences and opinions about what they consider to be good or bad art, and they may be passionate about defending their own work and the work of others they admire. This can sometimes come across as snobbish or elitist to those who may not share the same artistic values or preferences. However, this does not mean that all artists are inherently snobs.
: 7

« #3 : November 02, 2023, 06:32:45 PM »

Well, I believe in standards in music, for instance.  However, it seems like among musical performers, there exists many who like to bully other people.   Well, I mean, you can have standards but not rub stuff in toward people whom you see as weaker in music, but, of course, a lot of times, the attacker exaggerates stuff. 

Anyway, regarding another sub-topic, a lot of artists come across as repulsive in other ways.  For instance, Taylor Swift has wrote a lot of stuff about her exes and so she is branded by many as being "not cool" for that reason.  Well, myself, I don't really like that attitude either, but I would never bully the woman on that account and, of course, some artists like Sting have shy personalities and so that comes across the wrong way with people thinking he's some elitist, but well, he did used to be a school teacher lol and perhaps the stand-off behavior is his way of being mysterious and on the edge.
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