Mental Health Discussion
December 27, 2024, 10:16:40 PM *
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Time since Christmas - 25/12: 2 days, 22 hours, 16 minutes, and 40 seconds ago.
: [1]
: Does your anxiety get worse when your routine is disrupted?  ( 255 )
Jr. Member
: 55

« : December 21, 2022, 09:50:32 PM »

One thing I have noticed about myself is that I love to be in a routine, any kind of routine change even if it's just slight causes my anxiety to get worse and my stress levels to increase. If I remember rightly from being a kid, I used to get quite frustrated back then if my routine was disrupted at all and I would even get really upset after long school holidays when I had to be back in school as I had been in a different routine for a while and then had to switch it again.

Are you someone who notices your anxiety gets worse if your routine is disrupted? What do you do to help how you feel if the routine change can not be helped?
: [1]  

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