Mental Health Discussion
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: What triggers you off easily?  ( 129 )
The Raven
: 49

« : October 31, 2023, 04:47:17 PM »

What triggers you off easily? Some people are not triggered easily and you can do many things to them, say whatever you want and their mood will remain still, but most of the people can't control themselves and there is something that others can say or do to trigger the mood change. What can trigger you quickly? In my case, anything related to politics sets me off instantly. Also, if people are not polite during discussion but try to put me down instead of giving arguments, I go wild.
: 19

« #1 : November 03, 2023, 05:53:36 AM »

I get triggered a lot by people who ask questions without thinking such as on forums or people who make it their job to bug me and will continue to harass me until I've done something.
: [1]  

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