How many operations have you had?

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How many operations have you had?

Post by Shortie » Thu Aug 17, 2023 4:00 pm

When it comes to living, many of us may not have needed any kind of operations so far in our life but some of us may have had to go through some operations whether it be routine or even major operations.

I myself have been through an operation three times to my knowledge, possibly four if you can count one procedure I had done as an operation.

My first one was when I was young and I had to be put under to have four teeth removed as my mouth was too small for all the teeth I had and it would have caused issues when my adult teeth started to grow.

My second one was when I gave birth to my first child, I ended up having to have an emergency caesarean.

My third one was when I had my gallbladder removed, it was a same-day operation and I was home to rest that night

My fourth one if this is classed as an operation or just a procedure was when I had to have an endoscopy to check for issues as I was still getting a lot of pain after my gallbladder removal. We later found out I had a hiatal hernia.

How many operations have you had in your life so far?

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Re: How many operations have you had?

Post by Ravenfreak » Sat Aug 19, 2023 11:40 pm

So far I've had two procedures done on my right eyelid. I've had a Chalazion removed last September and it turns out I have a Meibomian Gland Dysfunction as well that was causing some issues with the tear ducts that produce the oil in my tears. I had to get the newly formed bump that was an infection removed last month. Both procedures weren't major surgeries, so I was able to get back to work the next day. It also didn't hurt much after both procedures.

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Re: How many operations have you had?

Post by Heatman » Mon Aug 21, 2023 8:31 am

I haven't had any yet and I hope that it stays that way because I'm very much afraid of going under the knife. My skin have only been stitched once from getting into a fight and I caught a flying chair that broke my left upper eye. I had 8 stitches above my eye.

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Re: How many operations have you had?

Post by Cory » Wed Sep 13, 2023 12:27 am

Just one, I think. I had to have my appendix taken out when I was younger because I believe it burst.

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Re: How many operations have you had?

Post by deucher » Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:08 pm

Fortunately, I did not have an operation, but once when I was a child I fell on a very sharp surface and I cut my stomach and I already thought that it would be necessary to sew it up in the hospital, but everything turned out to be not so terrible and I was treated at home.

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