Mental Health Discussion
December 27, 2024, 08:51:55 PM *
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Time since Christmas - 25/12: 2 days, 20 hours, 51 minutes, and 55 seconds ago.
: [1]
: Do you have a hobby the helps your depression?  ( 280 )
Jr. Member
: 55

« : December 21, 2022, 10:01:09 PM »

One thing I have noticed throughout the years I have suffered from depression is that having a hobby can help to some extent and it's wise to have a hobby that you enjoy that helps with getting through those tough times.

I myself always turn to playing video games when I am feeling depressed. If I can shut off in a game for a while and take my mind of everything whilst playing a game I find it really helps with how I feel in terms of depression.

Do you have a hobby that helps with your depression? What is it?
: [1]  

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