Mental Health Discussion
December 27, 2024, 08:17:07 PM *
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Time since Christmas - 25/12: 2 days, 20 hours, 17 minutes, and 7 seconds ago.
: [1]
: Do you ever feel like you are ignored when you try to get help for depression?  ( 268 )
Jr. Member
: 55

« : January 10, 2023, 11:13:13 PM »

Many times I have spoken to people who have gone to get help say from their doctor or another medical practitioner about their depression and they can feel like they have come to a dead end as getting help seems like it's so difficult even though you know how you feel isn't right. I know many people who have been to the doctors more than a handful of times regarding their depression and it is has taken them quite a few visits to finally get listened to and get any kind of help.

When you went to see your doctor regarding your depression, did you find it difficult to get the help you felt you needed? If so, how long did it take for you to get the help you needed?
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