Mental Health Discussion
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Messages - Ravenfreak

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The Hangout / Do you go to the gym?
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:50:18 PM »
Do you go to the gym to get your daily exercise in? Or do you prefer to exercise at home? I prefer to exercise at home myself, not only do I save money this way I also don't have to worry about other people paying attention to me or having to wait for equipment to be available. I also feel much more comfortable exercising at home rather than being around other strangers.

The Hangout / Do you celebrate Holidays?
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:45:21 PM »
I know some people don't celebrate any Holidays, do you like to celebrate them? I enjoy celebrating some Holidays but not all of them. I like to celebrate Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my spouse's birthday, my birthday and the 4th of July which is the US's independence day. I don't really celebrate the other ones though, I'm not religious so I haven't celebrated Easter since I was a kid. Tomorrow is Halloween and I will be dressing up at work, but I won't be handing out candy since I don't care for dealing with children. xD

Anxiety / Does your anxiety cause you to avoid certain situations?
« on: October 30, 2023, 11:42:28 PM »
We know that Social Anxiety can cause us to not want to go out and interact with others, but for general anxiety is there any other situations you try to avoid because it may trigger an anxiety attack? I find myself getting anxious if my routine changes, and when it comes time to do something out of the ordinary I get anxious. Even if it's a minor change, like a few weeks ago we had a Chili cook off at work and I was anxious walking up to the table to get food. I still sucked it up and got some Chili though.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder / Relationship OCD
« on: October 29, 2023, 07:27:53 PM »
I just learned about a different form of OCD called Relationship OCD. There's a Youtuber called Special books by special kids who interviews kids and adults who have disabilities. The woman he interviewed had Relationship OCD, she would constantly worry about if her boyfriend truly loved her and would always question if her actions caused him to not like her. I never knew about Relationship OCD, but I can imagine it's got to be extremely exhausting to deal with. Her and her past boyfriend didn't work out, but she's been going to therapy to help her cope with Relationship OCD. Here's the video I watched if you're interested:

How You Feeling Today / Sleep Paralysis Put Me In a Bad Mood This Morning
« on: October 29, 2023, 07:23:24 PM »
I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with sleep paralysis, but it's a temporary inability to move or speak that occurs directly after falling asleep or waking up. I've had sleep paralysis a few times in my life, but this one was the absolute worse case I've had. I was having an odd dream before I got sleep paralysis and it felt like I couldn't breathe and woke up in a panic state. After I got up, I was in a very bad mood since I wanted to sleep in a little bit longer but couldn't fall back to sleep after I got sleep paralysis. I got annoyed at the tiniest things, but I finally calmed down after a few hours of being awake.

This is something I need to work on myself, I don't like confrontation and try to get along with everyone especially at work. Not everyone is going to approve of your way of living, or your way of thinking. We're all different, and it's fine to find others who are similar to you, but at the end of the day if someone doesn't like you then it's best to move on. I also feel that you should do what you feel is right, as long as you're not hurting yourself or others. Remember, you can't please everyone, it's impossible.

Quotes, Images, Memes, and Gifs / What's your favorite meme?
« on: October 29, 2023, 12:40:01 AM »
Memes have been on the internet for so long, back in the day they didn't really have a name either! Out of all the memes that have been released throughout the past few decades, which is your favorite and why? I usually didn't like most memes, but I was always a fan of "I herd u liek Mudkips" and Grumpy Cat. I also liked Rick Roll'd too but I like the song. xD Most other memes were just a bit too cringe. As for modern memes I like the Kevin James meme that started being popular about a month ago.

Unfortunately members in the LGBTQ community may come across family members or even friends who aren't supportive of who they are as a person. In cases like this, you could try to educate others on the struggles of being part of the community as well as sharing helpful scientific articles but this can be exhausting and lead to depression. It's best to distance yourself from others who may cause you harm or hurt you mentally. Talking to a therapist can help as well. I've cut family members out of my life and honestly it's helped my mental health. If they cannot love you for who you are, it's better to end that toxic relationship.

The Hangout / Do you spend time with your family?
« on: October 27, 2023, 03:56:59 AM »
The holidays are quickly approaching and it got me thinking, do you all spend time with your family? Most of us get together during the Holidays but don't really keep in touch throughout the rest of the year. I try to spend some time with my parents at the very least, but the last time I seen a lot of my extended family was last year when we got together for my mom's birthday. It was nice seeing everyone again, but being with my family tends to make me anxious so I don't like to stay long.

Alternative Healing Methods / Using Music To Help Your Mental Health
« on: October 27, 2023, 03:53:15 AM »
Music is a great way to help you if you're under stress, or dealing with anything else related to your mental health. I find myself listening to music whenever I'm stressed out after a long day or if I'm feeling down. My spouse also likes to listen to music when they're anxious to help calm them down too. The rhythm of the music can help regulate your breathing if you listen to calm music if you're anxious.

Depression / Re: What made you realize you suffered with depression?
« on: February 22, 2023, 01:16:36 AM »
When I was about 7 or 8 years old, I noticed that I would start to feel sad for no reason. I never knew why I was sad and would start crying, whenever my mom would ask me why I was sad I would say that I missed my grandpa. (He had passed away not too long before I started feeling depressed.) I was sad about my grandpa's passing, but I was also too afraid to tell my mom that I was sad for no reason whatsoever. Throughout my life I have bouts of depression, I was very depressed when I was a teenager because I was afraid to become an adult and have big responsibilities. Now I get bouts here and there, but not often. I wish I had the courage to tell my mom when I was a kid. I think in my mind, I was afraid to tell her because I thought I would get in trouble, not sure why I thought that though.

Mood Swings / Re: Do you find social media affects your mood?
« on: February 22, 2023, 01:09:29 AM »
Social media does tend to affect my mood, I should drop it all together but unfortunately most of my family are on Facebook and don't want to use forums. :S I could always get their numbers I suppose, but I don't like talking on the phone. Most of them don't really like to text either. Recently I thought about taking a break from social media, I think I might do so starting this weekend.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have autism and that I wasn't neurodivergent. It's hard talking with nerotypical people, but then I remember that I'm not the only person who's neurodivergent and I just tend to hang out with other neurodivergent people. I do wish I didn't have social anxiety, and I wish I could come out of my shell and work on it more. :S In this world, there's no such thing as normal anyways. ;)

How You Feeling Today / Re: Did You Have a Good Day, Today?
« on: February 21, 2023, 02:28:56 AM »
It was nice that I didn't have to work today, but we got breakfast from Chick-Fil-A this morning and I didn't get my hash browns and then a few hours ago we got DQ and I wanted a peanut butter shake but I ended up receiving a snickers one. >_> So I was a bit annoyed today, I know it's tiny things that I really shouldn't let bother me but it's still annoying.

I've never listened to music while falling asleep. I do like to have white noise on in the background to help me fall asleep though. Music does calm me down after having a long day, it feels good to just relax and put my headphones on and get lost in my favorite music. Sometimes I even like listening to music on my tv. :)

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